Webinar registration page and attendee dashboard are coming to Microsoft Teams

Teams webinars are rolling out as of 18th of May. I wrote a blog post how to use them.

Microsoft Teams is getting the meeting registration and attendee dashboard features during March – early April. This is called “registration page for Microsoft Teams meetings” in Microsoft communication. Admin Center already has a bulletin about this.

Currently this blog post contains the Admin Center bulletins info but when more information becomes available I will update this page & pictures with more examples and how to guide as more information is released (most likely at Microsoft Ignite 2021 during the first week of March).

Webinar capabilities will be available to Microsoft 365 and Office 365 E5/E3/A5/A3, and Microsoft 365 Business Standard/Business Premium licenses.

By default, this new meeting registration function will be available to all tenant users (with appropriate licensing).

Meeting Attendee registration in Teams roadmap

When a meeting organizer uses the custom registration option, those who are invited receive an email with the registration link.

Picture of Registration signup page from Microsoft Ignite 2020 September

Recurring and channel meetings do not currently support registration functionality.

  • By default the registration page will be accessible only to those from the same tenant.
  • Meeting organizers who want to schedule a public webinar which allows anyone to register will need to contact an admin. This waiver is specific to the meeting organizer, not the meeting. In other words, once meeting organizers can use the registration page for a public meeting, they will have this permission until it is revoked.

The meeting organizer can set up a registration page from the Meeting scheduling form. The organizer will then customize and save the registration page in a pop up window.

The organizer can monitor registration activity via the registration report download that is provided on the Meetings ‘Details’ tab pre, during and post meeting. 

Picture of Attendance dashboard from Microsoft Ignite 2021 March.

It will be also possible to connect Webinar to Dynamics 365 Marketing using follow up with participants.

Meeting Attendee Dashboard in Teams roadmap

What you need to do to prepare

Assess and determine the proper settings for your tenant.

Manage meeting organizer access to the registration function and whether this registration page is available only to internal attendees:

  • The policy AllowMeetingRegistration parameter is Enabled by default (Enabled/Disabled).
  • The policy WhoCanRegister parameter is Everyone in your organization by default (Everyone or Everyone in your organization). This is user-level policy that can be assigned to a specific user or a group.
  • Set the to Enabled/Disabled. By default, this setting is enabled.  

These policies are managed via PowerShell.

You can already set these policies. Into a demo environment I set it possible to everyone create public webinar registrations

$sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession                                                                                                                                                    Import-PSSession $sfbSession
Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -WhoCanRegister Everyone
Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global

Teams meeting participant report updates

In Message Center it was announced that meeting participant report in Microsoft Teams is getting an update that should be landing tenants by the end of February. This update updates functionality provides additional participant data in the report. Remember to turn on the feature (read how from below)!

I copied the information from Admin Center message below:

There are two areas of improvement:

  1. Download point changed from roster view
    The Teams meeting organizer can download the Attendance Report from the meeting chat once the meeting is over. 
    Only the meeting organizer will see the Attendance Report. The recording, transcript and participant list will be grouped together in chat if the meeting is recorded. Otherwise, only the participant list will be available in chat. 
    Download participant list

  2. New participant data
    The report will now include these data points: duration, email address, meeting start time, and meeting title. 

What you need to do to prepare

When this introduced this feature in June 2020, feature is disabled by default. It will remain off by default. 

  • We will not change your policy setting; this update will honor your current state, whether that is on or off.

You can use a PowerShell cmdlet to turn this feature ON:

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global - AllowEngagementReport "Enabled"

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